Гарал үүсэл: Франц улс
Жил: 2005
Хатуулаг: 12.5%
Орц: 50% Pinot Noir 50% Chardonnay
Өнгө: Pinot Noir усан үзмийн улаан туяа нь тод хүчтэй өнгийг илэрхийлнэ.
Амт: Эхлэлд мэдрэх хатуулаг нь аманд тогтуун амтыг чихрийн өвс, жүрж жимсний гашуун амт чимэглэнэ.
Үнэр: Халуун орны гуава жимс, карри навчны хослолыг какао болон хайрсан анхилуун үнэр нийт бүрдүүлнэ.
Dom Pérignon Rosé соронз мэт татах хүч, хүсэл тэмүүлэл мэдрүүлэх гайхалтай амтыг бэлэглэнэ.
Region: France
Aging: 2005
Alc: 12.5%
Ingredients: 50% Pinot Noir 50% Chardonnay
Colour: Red of the pinot noir grape in its primal radiance, capturing its vital power in a bold, assertive assemblage.
Palate: The wine has a bracing vinosity. Its initial richness expands and affirms itself. It has remarkable length in the mouth, with a touch of licorice and a backdrop of juicy, bitter blood orange.
Nose: Tropical notes of guava and curry leaf melt away into classical aroma of zest and ripe stone fruit. Cocoa and toasted spices complement the whole.
Dom Pérignon Rosé springs from this desire to dare, seizing the red of the pinot noir grape in its primal radiance, capturing its vital power in a bold, assertive assemblage. Dom Pérignon Rosé is untamed and carnal, both light and dark, magneticDom Pérignon Rosé springs from this desire to dare, seizing the red of the pinot noir grape in its primal radiance, capturing its vital power in a bold, assertive assemblage. Dom Pérignon Rosé is untamed and carnal, both light and dark, magnetic