Гарал үүсэл: Ирланд
Хатуулаг: 40%
Насжилт: 10 жил
Bushmills Original нь Prohibition-ий үеэр сонгодог коктейл хийхэд хэрэглэдэг байсан маш сайн чанарын холимог виски ба нэг амуу болон үр тариагаар хийсэн вискиг хольж баялаг, зөөлөн төгс амыг бүрэлдүүлсэн бүтээгдэхүүн юм.
Region country: Irland
Volume: 700ml
Alc.vol: 40%
“Bushmills‚ the golden member of the family. It’s a blend of triple distilled single malt whiskey with a lighter irish grain whiskey. The folks back at the old distillery will tell you it’s an approachable whiskey with a rich‚ warming taste of fresh fruit and vanilla. Me? Well - to me it has a fruity burst that sits on my tongue before turning to honey in my cheeks. Try it and you’ll see what I mean.
NOSE: “Light and fruity with spicy aromas.vanilla note,developing into crème brulée.
TASTE: “Gently warming‚ mouth coating texture. A touch of honey sweetness.