Гарал үүсэл: Мексик
Хатуулаг: 40%
1800 бол Дэлхийн хамгийн анхны текила, жинхэнэ текила бөгөөд 200 жилийн турш хийгдэж байсан аргачлал нь өөрчлөгдөлгүй, 100% агавагаар үйлдвэрлэгдсан шил бүр нэг л чанараа хадгалсаар ирсэн юм.
Region: Mexico
Alc: 40.0%
1800 tequilas are made by Casa Cuervo from 100% blue agave. The name comes from the "historic event" of aging tequila in oak for the very first time. The line was first launched in 1975 as a premium sipping tequila. 1800 Reposado is aged (rested) in French and American oak barrels and is made from 100% agave- which is unusual for this this price-most of the tequila you find at this price (and certainly below) is NOT 100% agave but blended tequila- the stuff that all those college tequila stories are made of.